Our Behavior Modification Therapy Prepares Parma, OH, Kids for Lifetime Oral Health.
Harmful oral habits aren't just about failing to brush and floss. There are some ways you can harm your teeth, gums, or jaw without even knowing it. People who engage in these habits as children are much more likely to face complications as teens or adults, often requiring braces or other forms of dental alignment. Richard E. Gift, DDS, MS has a solution: our behavior modification therapy in Parma, OH.
Our board-certified family orthodontist has over 35 years of experience working with children to get their teeth in good shape for their entire lives. A significant part of this is protecting their teeth with night guards and other such tools while they sleep. Seeing to the dental care of children early on is one of the best investments a parent can make. Richard E. Gift, DDS, MS works with patients to help them kick their harmful behaviors, so they can avoid the need for bite adjustment and other treatments. Some of these actions include the following:
- Blanket Sucking
- Brushing Too Hard
- Chewing Ice Cubes
- Clenching
- Constant Snacking
- Grinding
- Mouth Breathing
- Nail Biting
- Pacifier Use
- Thumb Sucking
- Using Teeth as Tools