Early TreatmentEarly treatment refers to orthodontic care for patients with at least a few baby teeth remaining, or normally, under 12 years old. Early treatment constitutes a paradox of benefits and abuse because it is both a valuable and occasionally essential service but also, in today’s orthodontic market, a very over employed and over done treatment option with far too many very young people in braces. Consequently, many parents find their children in braces for way too long and spend much more than they planned or was really needed.
We provide early orthodontic service options, but always within an honest and no pressure strategy that advises against over treatment. We will not place braces on a child until it is clearly in their best interest and within a long term plan that is understood by and the intention of the parents.
Braces, or what we call fixed orthodontic appliances or just appliances for short, are a conglomeration of materials that work in unison. But in simple terms, they can have a neutral metal look, a colorful look (selected each appointment) or a nearly clear look to them. We will help you select the best option for you.
Treatment with braces is divided into full treatment, generally lasting 20 to 30 months and limited treatment, generally lasting 6 to 18 months in duration. Teeth will move at about the same rate in all people and this rate or speed of movement is determined by a person’s body (a biological and physiological process) and not by the doctor, the patient or the appliance. Offices that advertise “six month braces” or any kind of super quick treatment are simply going to deliver 6 months of tooth movement but imply that it is a 24 month result, which of course, it is not. So, don’t be fooled.
InvisalignInvisalign is the most common brand name of clear aligners (trays) that are worn something like bleaching trays. They are indeed perfectly clear, are removable and do work. They do not however, work for the typical full treatment orthodontic case. They are best suited for limited treatment (simple and short cases) and therefore, are not for everyone. But, they are a great option for the right case and the right person. We are certified Invilalign providers and only such trained and approved providers can utilize Invisalign.
There is a wide variety of other appliances that are used in orthodontics, too many to enumerate, but please call us with any questions that you have about something that you have heard of or had recommended to you.
Other Services
Other services include occlusal equilibration of the bite, cosmetic shaping of the teeth, occlusal guards (night guards), bleaching of the teeth, treatment for harmful habits (eg: thumb sucking) and behavior modification therapy for the fearful child.
The Impact of Harmful Oral Habits in Parma, OH
Richard E. Gift, DDS, MS advises patients to be mindful of harmful oral habits in Parma, OH. These habits can lead to a variety of negative effects on the growth of the jaw, which in turn, harms overall oral health. Actions that harm teeth can arise from nervous conditions. Additionally, these behaviors could potentially weaken teeth and cause chipping, malocclusion, and poor gum health.
If left untreated, these conditions can lead to painful complications, which may lead to more costly dental procedures. Habits that impact the jaw include:
Grinding and Clenching
Chewing Ice Cubes
Constant Snacking
Using Teeth as Tools
Brushing Too Hard
Many of these behaviors can wear away the teeth, strip enamel, and make them more susceptible to developing cavities. Brushing too hard also runs the risk of damaging the gum line, leading to periodontal disease that can cause recessed gums and tooth loss.
Activities that affect the jaw can become habits during infant-to-teen development. They include thumb sucking, blanket sucking, soother or pacifier use, mouth breathing, and nail-biting. These conditions may require behavior modification therapy.
Bad habits from childhood and adolescence lead directly to dental complications in adulthood. Treatment options for adults include dental alignment and bite adjustment. Teens may require braces or other orthodontia as well.
It is important to consult with an
experienced dentist to ensure your oral health needs are met. Request a consultation with our dentist to learn about your options.